Beginner Level

Beginner Level

These videos are a Beginner Level and are designed to help guide you through Pilates movement. You'll learn the basic principals, at the same time as practising the skills you'll need to progress your practise. This level has a slower, gentle pace, and more detailed cues.

When you are beginning a new practise - expect some things to be easier than others. We all have things we are good at, and things we find harder, and the same thing applies to Pilates. We also have differing areas of weakness and mobility. If you encounter exercises that you find hard, don't be put off. I encourage you to do what you can and take breaks where you need them. Exercises will get better as you practise them and build up your strength progressively. Please feel free to reach out via email and in our Facebook Community Page - for advise, modifications and help if you need it.

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Beginner Level
  • Ten Minute Stretch

    Move and stretch your spine and your hips. Designed for a feel good movement snack.

  • Arms & Upper Back Focus

    This is an awesome session for your arms, shoulders, and upper back. You'll use your core too! 25m

  • Full Body 7

    A great full body session that engages and works you front, back and sides. It's light on the shoulders too - perfect for those who are working through shoulder rehabilitation. 32 mins

  • Full body Class - Light Shoulder work

    A full length class that targets the whole body while staying light through the shoulders. Great for people who are staying conscious or overloading currently.

  • Feel Good 15

    Having one of those days where you don't feel like moving let alone exercising? Try this 15 minute feel good session. Move your body, breath deeply, and enjoy the benefits!

  • Pilates for Runners - Balance & Lower Limb Strength

    A great workout for Runners to work on balance and increase lower limb strength. You'll lift your heart rate, as we focus on your balance, ankle, calf strength, and even work your quads, glutes and hip mobility. This standing workout is a great functional challenge, suitable for all.

  • Mobility Stretch

    A full body mobility session with movement & stretch. Uses TheraBand to support you, a belt or dressing gown tie is a good alternative if you don't have one.

  • Beginner Abdominals and Core

    A great workout to focus on building a strong base through your abdominals. Use your abdominals like a corset to help you control your movements and help you get that feeling of being strong and stable. We practise keeping the pelvis and lower back still while you move your legs. We work throu...

  • Quickie 4 Point Strength

    Build a strong base for your practise! Great for strengthening shoulders, core and gluts. 4 Pt kneeling is a fundamental weight bearing position - helping us load your shoulders to strengthen, challenge your core by transferring your weight into opposing sides, and strengthening your gluts with ...

  • Legs and Arms - Mini Session

    This Foundation MINI Session targets arms and shoulders, and legs glutes and hip stabilising muscles.

    It’s suitable for everyone including Newbies and Pre/Postnatal.

    Modifications - please feel free to stand on a hard floor for the single leg work. You could also use a chair to support.
    If ove...

  • Strong Legs and Core - Mini Session

    This 26 minute MINI FOUNDATION session is all about strong legs, glutes and core! It’s primarily a standing workout, finishing off with a 4 point core and arm set. Gets the heart beat up too!

    It’s suitable for everyone, including our Foundation clients - prenatal and newbies as well. Please be...

  • Begin / Refresh 1 - Abdominals and Core

    Great for beginners, and anyone needing to reset and refresh. This session focuses on your connecting to your centre and using your abdominals.

  • Begin + Refresh 2 - Glutes + Pelvic Stability

    Great for beginners, and anyone needing to reset and refresh. This session focuses on strengthening your glutes, and increasing your overall core strength - to help you feel strong and in control!

  • Begin + Refresh 3 - Upper Body and Arms

    Great for beginners, and anyone needing to reset and refresh. This session focuses on your upper back - developing awareness and strength in your shoulder girdle, arms and posture muscles.