Strong Legs and Core - Mini Session
Beginner Level
This 26 minute MINI FOUNDATION session is all about strong legs, glutes and core! It’s primarily a standing workout, finishing off with a 4 point core and arm set. Gets the heart beat up too!
It’s suitable for everyone, including our Foundation clients - prenatal and newbies as well. Please be guided by your body and if you need a rest, please feel free to do that. If you would like a challenge please feel free to use less chair support and Wear your shoes for weight resistance.
Grab a chair for this workout!
Please feel free to reach out with questions and any comments!
Hope you enjoy!
Up Next in Beginner Level
Begin / Refresh 1 - Abdominals and Core
Great for beginners, and anyone needing to reset and refresh. This session focuses on your connecting to your centre and using your abdominals.
Begin + Refresh 2 - Glutes + Pelvic S...
Great for beginners, and anyone needing to reset and refresh. This session focuses on strengthening your glutes, and increasing your overall core strength - to help you feel strong and in control!
Begin + Refresh 3 - Upper Body and Arms
Great for beginners, and anyone needing to reset and refresh. This session focuses on your upper back - developing awareness and strength in your shoulder girdle, arms and posture muscles.