Your Weekly Pilates Plan

Your Weekly Pilates Plan

Welcome to our Weekly Pilates Plan. Every week we curate a selection of workouts to bring a balanced plan of Pilates to your week. Over the week, you'll work your total body, targeting all the major muscles groups, and getting that vital spinal mobility and posture work to help you feel fantastic. Perfect if you need a hand staying accountable.

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Your Weekly Pilates Plan
  • Standing Glutes with Abs & Arms

    This workout is designed to wake up those leg, bottom and core muscles and get them feeling spicy! The first half focuses on standing work, and is followed by core, arms and abdominals strengthening down on the mat. You can use hand weights for the standing section - as heavy as feels suitable ...

  • Strong Core Front to Back

    As the name suggests this session helps to build a strong core. Gets stronger in the front and back of your body. Improve your mobility and feel connected. 23 mins.

  • Strengthen and Tone 3

    Focus on toning your arms and shoulders & upper back, bottom, and legs. Light weights + stretchy band. If you don't have a stretch band, you can use a hand weight instead. Challenges your core, and great for strengthening and toning. Suitable for all levels. 22 mins.

  • Upper Body & Core / Sarah Sweeney

    Sarah takes you through a full body with a focus on upper body, posture muscles and core. Intermediate level - with options to regresss or progress. No equipment necessary. 32 min.

  • Reformer 3

    A total body balanced Reformer workout including Footwork, Hands pulling straps, Abdominal work, Legs in Straps, Modified Long Stretch, Front Rowing, Stretch. (32:44 minutes)