15 Minute Tone
Quickie Sessions / Under 15 minutes
Short on time? Do this 15 minute session that delivers a workout for your core and abdominals.
Up Next in Quickie Sessions / Under 15 minutes
Feel Good 15
Having one of those days where you don't feel like moving let alone exercising? Try this 15 minute feel good session. Move your body, breath deeply, and enjoy the benefits!
Quickie 4 Point Strength
Build a strong base for your practise! Great for strengthening shoulders, core and gluts. 4 Pt kneeling is a fundamental weight bearing position - helping us load your shoulders to strengthen, challenge your core by transferring your weight into opposing sides, and strengthening your gluts with ...
Practise / Reverse Curl Ups
A great way to prepare and practice movements that help Reformer exercises like Short Spine - where our feet are in the straps and go over our head and we curl up onto the back of our shoulders. It's super popular - and once you have mastered it you understand why! It feels great!