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Quickie 4 Point Strength

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Up Next in Quickie Sessions / Under 15 minutes

  • Quickie 4 Point Strength

    Build a strong base for your practise! Great for strengthening shoulders, core and gluts. 4 Pt kneeling is a fundamental weight bearing position - helping us load your shoulders to strengthen, challenge your core by transferring your weight into opposing sides, and strengthening your gluts with ...

  • Practise / Reverse Curl Ups

    A great way to prepare and practice movements that help Reformer exercises like Short Spine - where our feet are in the straps and go over our head and we curl up onto the back of our shoulders. It's super popular - and once you have mastered it you understand why! It feels great!

  • Quickie Full Body Chair Workout

    A great quick workout that uses a chair & targets the total body, especially core, gluts, shoulders. The chair assists with balance, and also helps you achieve a long, supported plank position. 15 mins