Reformer 17
ONFORM Reformer: Series 5
Reformer 17 is a total body Mini Session based on some great series we have been teaching in the studio. Challenge your control and pelvic stability. Strengthen your back, shoulders gluts, legs and abs. This workout will explore, 4pt kneeling, back rowing, arms pulling straps abdominal work, a lunge series and single leg footwork. Uses a soft Pilates ball. Filmed at our St Johns Studio in Auckland.
Spring Guide:
4 Pt Series / 1 Medium Springs
Back Rowing Series / Medium Spring (More weight will increase challenge)
Lunge Series / 1 Medium Spring (Medium to challenge balance. Add more weight to challenge strength.)
Ab Series / 1 heavy (Heavier is more challenging)
Single Footwork Series / 2 Heavy (Heavier is more challenging)
Up Next in ONFORM Reformer: Series 5
Reformer 19
In this Reformer session we use the maple pole as a prop to find fun connections to the exercises we love - arms pulling straps, feet in straps and front rowing! I hope you enjoy this one!
32 mins / Uses a Pilates Pole
Reformer 20
A full body Reformer session that strengthens and tones. Includes full body integration, shoulder, core, and lower body work. 26 mins