Reformer Jumpboard 1 / Legs Focus
Reformer Pilates / Intermediate
A great way to provide variation in your Pilates footwork. Use your jump board with heavier springs to challenge your legs, glutes, quads, and lumbo/pelvic control. Having your feet flat against the jump board creates a great feedback for your feet. This is a great shortbock to use as a warm up. 18 mins.
Up Next in Reformer Pilates / Intermediate
Reformer 1
A total body Reformer workout including Footwork, Hip Rolls, Hands Pulling Straps, Side Lying Legs and Back Rowing. (35:44 minutes)
Reformer 2
A total body Reformer workout including Footwork, Single Leg work, Hip Rolls, Side Arm work, 4 point kneeling, standing lunges and scooters. (43 minutes)
Reformer 3
A total body balanced Reformer workout including Footwork, Hands pulling straps, Abdominal work, Legs in Straps, Modified Long Stretch, Front Rowing, Stretch. (32:44 minutes)