Reformer 18
Reformer Pilates / Intermediate
Reformer 18 is a full body Reformer Mini Session. Challenge your balance and controls, strengthens shoulder, abdominals and legs. Uses a soft Pilates ball. Filmed at our St Johns Studio in Auckland.
Spring Guide:
Medium Spring for all series except Legs in Straps at end.
Choosing a medium spring will provide enough tension to assist balance, while challenging your core and shoulders.
Making the tension lighter by using the long strap or choosing a lighter spring - will make balance harder. Please move slowly and smoothly. If you need to go lighter for your shoulders - consider doing this series in double kneeling, or for easier balance, seated on a box.
Add an extra spring for Feet in Straps at the end of the workout.
Choices here could be 2 Full Springs, or slightly less weight with a Medium and a Full.
Up Next in Reformer Pilates / Intermediate
Reformer 20
A full body Reformer session that strengthens and tones. Includes full body integration, shoulder, core, and lower body work. 26 mins
Reformer Short Block Warm Up / 1
A classic warm up for the front and back side of your body. Move through footwork, spinal curls and breathing to get centered for your workout. 10 mins.
Reformer 21
A full body Reformer session that strengthens and tones your shoulders, upper back, core, abdominals and legs. 40 mins.
If you would like to warm up first - try our Reformer Short Block Warm Up 1.