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Core, Abs and Glutes / Two Part Class - #2

Mini Sessions / Under 30 minutes • 27m

Up Next in Mini Sessions / Under 30 minutes

  • Begin + Refresh 3 - Upper Body and Arms

    Great for beginners, and anyone needing to reset and refresh. This session focuses on your upper back - developing awareness and strength in your shoulder girdle, arms and posture muscles.

  • Begin + Refresh 2 - Glutes + Pelvic S...

    Great for beginners, and anyone needing to reset and refresh. This session focuses on strengthening your glutes, and increasing your overall core strength - to help you feel strong and in control!

  • Get Moving & Feel Better - Mini Session

    A great workout for when you need to breath and reset your motivation. Moving your body is a great way to feel better. This mini session is a total body, gentle workout that will help you ground yourself. Don't think, just do! Suitable for all levels. (25 mins)