A total body Reformer workout including Hip Rolls, Single leg footwork, Legs in straps, Hands in Straps, Side standing series, Back Rowing, Mermaid Stretch. (36:49 minutes)
Up Next in Becs Noton
Reformer 5
A total body Reformer workout including a spinal mobility warm up, single leg footwork, followed up with abdominal work with arms in straps, an awesome side lying series with single foot in strap, and some great extension, upper back work lying on the box. We finish this up with a plank set and ...
Reformer 6
A total body Reformer workout juicy reverse hip rolls, a short box series to target the abdominals, standing lunges for core and gluts, and a lovely extension stretch at the end.
Reformer 7
This Reformer workout warms you up and gets you working! Start with footwork and hip rolls. We challenge your body with single arm work in a 4 pt kneeling set up, followed by box work for the core, gluts, abdominals, and back extension, finishing off with some standing work.