Reformer 16
Becs Noton
Reformer 16 is a full length class that gives you a full body workout. Explore footwork and bridge variations, abdominal work (with a little optional jumping), awesome extension work to strengthen your posterior chain, front rowing to target your abs, arms and shoulders, and finish with a standing series. Stretching out those hips and thighs at the end. :) Filmed at our St Johns Studio in Auckland.
Other notes:
For the Ab Series. A ball or foam roller as a prop to assist your curl up. If you don't have access to a ball (or it's too small) then during this set you could lie flat, and come into a curl up. This is also a modification if you need to rest your neck. Tip is to make sure the curl up is coming from your abdominals, and keep your head and neck long and relaxed.
Spring Guide:
Footwork and Bridging / Heavy Springs
Ab Series / Light to Medium Springs (Lighter is more challenging)
Front rowing / Medium Springs (Heavier is harder)
Swan Series (Lying on the ling box) / Medium to heavy (Heavier is more challenging)
Standing Series / Medium to Heavy (Heavier is more challenging)
Hip Stretch at end / Medium to heavy (Explore what feels good in your body)
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