Legs Gluts & Core / Flow Bangle 2
Becs Noton
This session focuses on your legs, gluts and of course core. It uses a Pilates stability ball and 1 Llb Flow Bangles on the ankles to add extra resistance for your legs and gluts. If you don't have ankle weights you can do this without, simply add a hold or an extra set of reps. Flow Bangles and stability balls available in the studio.
Up Next in Becs Noton
Lower body and balance
Need to work on your balance, and lower body strength? This is a great place to start. Works the glute, quads, adductor and abductor muscles and focuses on balance training. 18 mins
Booty Burner / Flow Bangle 4
This quickie session targets the booty and if you are adding the flow bangles is spicy. No ankle weights? No probs...you can always add a sneaky extra set - if you need the challenge. 16 mins
Full Body 6
A complete core focused full body mini session. Uses a ball, but a pillow is fine if you don't have a ball. Intermediate level. 32 minutes