Postpartum Stage 5 / Week 8 - 12 / Session 12
Postpartum Stage 5 / Week 8 - 12
A couple of weeks into phase 2 we begin diving into the 'good stuff' aka progressive pilates exercises for the core, pelvic floor, upper and lower body. Between week 8-12 (Stage 5) we add heavier resistance, add more moving parts to our core exercises and challenge our control in a variety of positions.
Core progressions seen in this stage glute bridges on a step, weighted arm work in table top, and heavy leg resistance work in standing. This is a heavy lower body session, although no direct core exercises in this a video a significnat amount of load will transfer to the core through functional resisted movements.
For more detailed training on Pelvic Floor and Core contractions see our two videos on "The Pelvic Floor" and "The Core'.
Up Next in Postpartum Stage 5 / Week 8 - 12
The Knack
The Pelvic floor is arguably the most talked about muscle group in pregnancy and childbirth. Here we learn about a technique called "The Knack". More than just a strong Kegel squeeze, the Knack can be incredibly effective in supporitng the pelvic floor during functional tasks or activities that c...
Watch this before you start / Postpar...
Watch this short chat with our Physiotherapist Jemma James about the fourth stage of our Postpartum Return to Exercise Plan, Week 8 - 12 after childbirth.
Learning about and engaging your Pelv...
The Pelvic floor, arguably the most talked about muscle group in pregnancy and childbirth. Here we learn a bit more about the pelvic floor, their importance in movement and exercise and how to train them effectively in your postpartum recovery.
This video is ideal at any stage of the postnatal ...