Core & Full Body
Total Body
I love a session that works your front, back and sides! You'll challenge your lower, upper and side abdominals, work your glutes, hamstring and hip muscles as well as getting great weight bearing work through you'll shoulders. This is a a great all round core session. I hope you enjoy it!
Up Next in Total Body
Prenatal 7
A full body prenatal focused session. Includes mobilising stretches.
Upper & Lower Body Express
This is a quick and awesome way to add a little challenge to your upper and lower body. The light band and Pilates ball help to provide extra resistance, to help you get the most out of your 18 minutes. This session is also suitable for prenatal (omit the last exercise - or reduce the range of ...
Prenatal 5
A total body workout that is designed for Pregnancy, but suitable for everyone. This session uses our ONFORM equipment bag including Pilates Ball, TheraBand and a firm resistance loop. We work the upper and lower body, and all the major muscle groups that support your body. 28 mins.