ONFORM Reformer: Series 1

ONFORM Reformer: Series 1

Welcome to our Reformer Series 1. A Series of 4 classes designed as total body workouts. Each session targets all the main muscle groups and moves you through a flowing workout. You may need to experiment with our spring suggestions, to find the right level of challenge/support on your own Reformer. Our suggestions are a guide. These workouts are designed for clients with a minimum of a years experience on the Reformer, and progress you toward intermediate options. Other modifications and positions are offered. Series 1 is not suitable for prenatal.

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ONFORM Reformer: Series 1
  • Reformer 1

    A total body Reformer workout including Footwork, Hip Rolls, Hands Pulling Straps, Side Lying Legs and Back Rowing. (35:44 minutes)

  • Reformer 2

    A total body Reformer workout including Footwork, Single Leg work, Hip Rolls, Side Arm work, 4 point kneeling, standing lunges and scooters. (43 minutes)

  • Reformer 3

    A total body balanced Reformer workout including Footwork, Hands pulling straps, Abdominal work, Legs in Straps, Modified Long Stretch, Front Rowing, Stretch. (32:44 minutes)

  • Reformer 4

    A total body Reformer workout including Hip Rolls, Single leg footwork, Legs in straps, Hands in Straps, Side standing series, Back Rowing, Mermaid Stretch. (36:49 minutes)