ONFORM Reformer: Series 2

ONFORM Reformer: Series 2

Welcome to our Reformer Series 2.

A Series of 4 classes designed as total body workouts. In this series we incorporate the Reformer Box. Each session targets all the main muscle groups and moves you through a flowing workout. You may need to experiment with our spring suggestions, to find the right level of challenge/support on your own Reformer. Our suggestions are a guide. These workouts are designed for clients with a minimum of a years experience on the Reformer, and progress you toward intermediate options. Other modifications and positions are offered. Series 2 is not suitable for prenatal.

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ONFORM Reformer: Series 2
  • Reformer 5

    A total body Reformer workout including a spinal mobility warm up, single leg footwork, followed up with abdominal work with arms in straps, an awesome side lying series with single foot in strap, and some great extension, upper back work lying on the box. We finish this up with a plank set and ...

  • Reformer 6

    A total body Reformer workout juicy reverse hip rolls, a short box series to target the abdominals, standing lunges for core and gluts, and a lovely extension stretch at the end.

  • Reformer 7

    This Reformer workout warms you up and gets you working! Start with footwork and hip rolls. We challenge your body with single arm work in a 4 pt kneeling set up, followed by box work for the core, gluts, abdominals, and back extension, finishing off with some standing work.

  • Reformer 8

    A juicy Reformer class that includes legs in straps, longspine, side planks, back rowing and lunges. Work the entire body and feel energized and worked.